Bite-sized Branding Episode 68 - Find Out How TikTok's Taking Over

 Content Marketing |  3 min read

We've discussed various platforms in the past and how much they can help a personal and business brand. Today, we will discuss the exciting world of TikTok and its takeover. With our special guest, Tommy Ge, we will unbundle everything about this social media platform and discover how TikTok's taking over.


How do you target your audience on TikTok? Does your content have to differ depending on the profile of the brand?

Any brand, business or even a personal TikTok account will have a different following than on other platforms. Some influencers asked Tommy why they have a low conversion, considering they have millions of views on Instagram. TikTok's rhythm algorithm is different from other platforms. 

Audiences in TikTok prefer real things or even behind-the-scene things or even how things are created. Not that they do not appreciate beautifully made content, but there is a different spectrum. Targeting your specific audience would depend on the content you create. It is more niche-based. TikTok's primary focus is to bring joy to everyone's lives.  

Have you been able to put together tangible commerce that came from TikTok directly?

Tommy gave two ways to generate from TikTok. One is through his clients, where he gives them ideas for their content to make it viral. That is his way of getting dollar value for himself. For his clients, if they are influencers, they can charge whoever uses their content or their service. Brands can benefit from this platform through marketing. 

TikTok has changed how marketing is done these days. People enjoy seeing more realistically what is happening in a company or brand. Small and big brands benefit from this while representing their company in an absolutely authentic way. Moreover, they attract a younger audience, considering they are tomorrow's customers. They started to get them conducive to the brand and the value proposition despite these kids growing one day and changing.  


How did you unravel the secrets behind TikTok and understand how you can tap and leverage it?

Tommy Ge has always been fascinated with everything that he does not understand. So, he focuses on it and tries to learn everything about it. He was one of the early users of TikTok, and he had good friends close to him that became viral on TikTok. He studied how it happened and started to use the knowledge he gained by consulting until he eventually assisted in creating content. 

He suggests that if you intend to use TikTok, make the content you already do. It is time efficient, authentic, and what TikTok wants. It would be the easiest thing to do since you are used to it. If you sense that you need to expand your content's horizons, find something related to it. Maybe you can get your dad to join you or your mother if you are a dancer. This way, you will not be moving away from your initial presentation. 

Every day, more and more people are capitalising on the platform; eventually, there will be fewer consumers on it. If you intend to use TikTok for your brand, it is wise to start now. Create authentic content for you and find a way to make it entertaining. The more natural it gets, the more people on TikTok will like it. 

Published on February 28, 2023