Content Marketing | 4 min read
Have you been thinking...
- I need to get a new website?
- I need to turn my offline business into an eCommerce site or digital experience?
- I need to get some marketing juice so my brand is back in front of customers?
- My systems need improving with some automation and customer management to help me grow?
The NSW Government is behind you, supporting small businesses with up to $3,000 through the Small Business COVID-19 Recovery Grant!
So what does this look like for you?
Here's a short list of ideas that the grant can help your business with:
- A new Website or Website upgrade
- Launch an online Training Program
- Add eCommerce to your current website
- Rebrand your small business with one of our Start-up Packages
- Refine your business direction with a Branding Workshop
- Market your business to a target audiences
- CRM implementation and integration
- CRM training (ie. HubSpot, Insightly etc.)
- Social Media Content Strategy
- Social Media Workshop
- And much more... contact us to
So, am I eligible?*
To be eligible for this grant, since 1 March 2020 you must:
- be NSW based with a registered ABN
- you must have a turn-over of more than $75,000 (Either BAS or income tax declaration is acceptable evidence)
- less than 20 full-time employees and below the NSW 2019-2020 payroll tax threshold of $900,000
- have experienced at least 30% decline in turnover from March to July 2020 compared to the equivalent period in 2019
- and obviously be able to illustrate a cost to re-open or scale-up
If the above sounds like you, it might be a chance for you to bring your business back fighting!
Click here to check all the guidelines and apply.
Not a right fit?*
There are other grants the may suit your business or check out the support resources on:
- https://www.business.gov.au/grants-and-programs
- https://www.business.gov.au/grants-and-programs/entrepreneurs-programme
For example: investing time in completing a Growth Roadmap can lead to a Growth Grant between $2,500 to $25,000 for up to 50% of the cost of a project you are developing.
If you happen to be in one of these 6 growth sectors:
- advanced manufacturing
- cyber security
- food and agribusiness
- medical technologies and pharmaceuticals
- mining equipment, technology and services
- oil, gas and energy resources
The Australian Government’s Industry Growth Centres Initiative is a strategic, sector-based approach to growing each industry and creating jobs. Read more about how this could add value to you by clicking here.
* This is not financial advice, please consult your accountant or business advisor to see if you apply for any of the options above.
Not sure how to get ready?
If you haven't engaged an accountant but want to get grant ready, check out Sydney Community College's - Get Grant Ready Short Course!
Published on July 10, 2020