Every month we're showcasing one of our amazing team members. This month, we're celebrating our UX and Graphic Design extraordinaire - Berta.
Berta came on board with the Ucidity team in February 2020 - a couple of weeks before the COVID lockdowns began.
She threw herself in right the deep end. Her enthusiasm and eagerness to constantly grow has helped her earn her place as a strong member of the design team as well as the web front-end team.
Berta is also getting skilled up as one of our Inbound Marketing specialists!
Read Berta's replies to some pretty funny questions and ask yourself - how would you answer these?
I wanted to be an actress. Actually I got a degree in Theater and Performing Arts.
Ah! I’d never thought about it. I guess I would be some kind of feline because they can be furry but also independent and fast.
Paint, write, play...it’s all the same, is the right side of the brain. I think it is in my blood.
My favourite one is being Link-Up (NSW) because I really love this design, the colour palette, the icons, the style…, the content is huge so the development needs to be very organised and structured to make it work and last but not least, I am learning a lot about the Aboriginal culture.
There is always something cool to work on!
Also, I feel from the first day that I can talk if I don’t feel ok with something or if I need to share any feedback.
Basically my favourite thing is that I am working with human beings.
xD! I think I’d need a blanket, I always feel cold, and something for painting or drawing.
“Creativity is intelligence having fun” - Albert Einstein.