Have you every been told to run a marketing campaign for your business, only to halt half way through , not knowing what to write or what results you’ll get?
This article explains the brilliance of setting up a simple survey that will help you get more customers and setup your business for substantial growth.
A simple customer survey takes the guesswork out of everything you do in your business. Unfortunately, most of us run our businesses based on assumptions. We’ve assumed that customers want what we’re offering them, we assume they chose us based on our a limited list of our reasons, and we assume they stick with us because we provide ‘good customer service’.
Let’s take a look at a scenario in our business a couple of years ago where a referral partner sent us a lead for a new website. Up until that point, we’d focused our marketing and sales on our great technical abilities and our long list of qualifications. We spoke to the lead and found out they chose us for an unexpected reason – they loved that we shared free helpful tips on our blogs and they loved our openness on our Facebook feed.
This finding was a crucial start to the uncovering of what our customers thought of us and how we could work with more of them. Since then, customer surveys have:
Helped us focus our marketing on the types of customers we love working with,
Helped us get a clear picture of where to focus our marketing efforts,
Accelerated the time to roll out our marketing campaigns – we know what challenges people have, how they phrase those challenges and where they’ll look for solutions,
Transformed our business from an average business that produces average results into a business that customers rave about.
Most of all – you’re running the survey to uncover patterns in your customers – what’s common across the board with your favourite customers?
A successful survey will be specific to your business and it’s clients, but here’s a great list to get you started:
This is probably the most common misconception about business surveys – that nobody will fill them out. However, with a bit of nous and a couple of hours of your you’ll soon have more information than you can handle.
Here’s our top tips to ensure you get maximum response from the survey: