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How to Stop Sales Leads from Falling Through the Cracks

Written by John Hill | 15/10/2024 1:45:20 PM

Learn effective strategies to ensure your sales leads never slip through the cracks again.


Since the beginning of business, over 3000 years ago, Sales Leads have been a critical component to the lifeblood of keeping the doors open.

In this article, we'll run through some key findings, and solutions, to solving that "sales leads falling through the cracks" challenge that business owners and sales teams face during their growth journey.

Why Do Sales Leads Fall Through the Cracks?

Many businesses that we work with suffer from the ebbs and flows of sales lead follow up. A common cycle is something like this:

  1. Business is slow = Follow up every lead like they're more precious than gold
  2. Business gets busy after converting leads = Push leads aside to deliver to your clients
  3. Business suddenly dries up = Get frustrated because leads weren't followed up

Lack of time

Business owners who are deeply involved in the daily operations of their company often encounter significant fluctuations in their available time, which can have a big impact on their ability to manage sales leads and follow-ups effectively.

These fluctuations mean that there will inevitably be days, or even extended periods of weeks, when their focus is entirely consumed by pressing business matters, leaving them with limited or no time to dedicate to nurturing potential sales leads.

As a result, these vital opportunities might unintentionally be neglected, leading to missed prospects and lost revenue. This creates a challenge for business owners, as it requires them to constantly juggle their responsibilities and prioritize tasks, often at the expense of lead management.

Business is going well

When business is thriving, and referrals are coming in effortlessly, lead management often takes a backseat in the list of priorities. This phenomenon can be likened to the adage "no pain, no action," where the absence of immediate issues or pressures leads to a drop in maintaining proactive lead management practices.

When business seems to be running smoothly, the urgency to meticulously track and follow up on new leads diminishes, as there's a perception that the current success will continue unabated. However, this mindset can be risky, as it overlooks the importance of consistently nurturing the sales pipeline to sustain long-term growth. By not giving lead management the attention it deserves, businesses may inadvertently miss out on potential opportunities that could further solidify their market position and drive future success.

Leads are not converting or are poor

When sales leads are not converting effectively or are perceived as "poor quality," the morale of your sales team can take a significant hit. This is especially prevalent when your team consists of inbound or outbound sales staff who rely heavily on the quality of leads to meet their targets and drive success. A lack of motivation among your sales team can be detrimental, leading to a slowdown in business growth and the unfortunate consequence of sales leads being ignored entirely.

This scenario often manifests in organisations where leads generated from a website's Contact Us page are dismissed due to an overwhelming volume of spam or irrelevant inquiries.

Similarly, when referral partners provide leads that do not align with your business objectives and turn out to be time-wasters, it further compounds the issue.

Such situations can create a cycle of frustration and inefficiency, where valuable opportunities slip through the cracks, ultimately impacting the bottom line and stalling potential growth.

Their is no reliable system in place

Organisations that have not set up a dependable lead management system often find themselves relying on the imperfect methods of human memory or simple spreadsheets to track and manage their sales leads.

While these systems might work for handling a minimal volume of leads, they quickly become unreliable as the number of leads surges, the workload intensifies, or when leads are marked as "closed lost." In such scenarios, the absence of a robust system can lead to opportunities falling through the cracks, as critical follow-ups are missed, and potential business opportunities are inadvertently left unpursued.

"Closed lost" leads, if not revisited or properly managed, can vanish, creating gaps in the sales process and resulting in a loss of potential revenue. This oversight can be particularly detrimental to the growth and sustainability of a business, as valuable leads slip through the cracks, never to be revisited or re-engaged.

Your team doesn't have the right skills

Even the most promising leads, those who are primed and ready to make a purchase, can unfortunately slip through the cracks if your sales team lacks the necessary skills to effectively engage and close these opportunities.

The ability to follow up with leads is not merely about making contact; it requires a nuanced understanding of sales techniques, strong communication skills, and the capability to build rapport with potential clients.

Your team must be adept at identifying the unique needs and desires of each lead, tailoring their approach to meet those specific requirements, and persuasively guiding the lead through the decision-making process.

Without these critical skills, even leads that seem like a sure thing can be lost, resulting in missed revenue opportunities and a less robust sales pipeline.

To avoid this, it is crucial for your team to receive ongoing training and support to enhance their sales capabilities, ensuring they are fully equipped to turn interested prospects into satisfied customers.


Implementing a Robust Lead Management System

Build a Leads pipeline

A lead pipeline system will allow you to track leads and opportunities via a series of sales stages. In their simplest form, these types of pipelines can be built in a Kanban style system such as Trello or - offering a straightforward yet effective way to organise and manage sales activities.

However, as a business matures, so too should its lead management system. Advanced lead pipeline systems can offer a wealth of intelligence and insight, transforming raw data into actionable strategies. These systems provide functionalities such as linking connected contacts and companies, which helps in maintaining comprehensive and up-to-date profiles of potential clients:

  • Connected Contacts and Companies
  • Notes
  • Meetings tracking
  • Phone call tracking
  • Sales tasks
  • Invoices
  • And much more...

Examples of systems that provide this capability are Pipedrive, ActiveCampaign and our favourite - HubSpot.

The key to these more mature CRM pipelines, is the ability to filter sales leads based criteria such as:

  • Leads created this week
  • Leads expected to close this month
  • Leads assigned to me
  • Leads of a minimum revenue size
  • Leads of a specific strength
  • Leads related to a specific service or product

Task management and queues

Every successful sales management system should be equipped with a comprehensive task management system. These systems are essential for staying organized and ensuring that all follow-up items related to sales opportunities are efficiently managed. For instance, they can provide timely reminders to reach out to a potential client, schedule a call-back, or prepare and send a quote, ensuring that no detail is overlooked in the sales process.

To enhance the effectiveness of task management, tasks can be categorized into specific queues that streamline the workflow and clarify priorities. Queues can be tailored to meet the unique needs of each business, and some common examples that we regularly implement for our clients include:

1. Referral Triage: This queue is focused on quickly assessing and prioritizing incoming referrals to ensure timely follow-up and maximize conversion opportunities.

2. Pipeline Filling: Tasks in this queue are dedicated to identifying and adding new leads to the sales pipeline, maintaining a steady flow of potential opportunities.

3. Networking Follow-Ups: These tasks help manage the crucial follow-up communications after networking events, ensuring that new connections are nurtured into potential leads.

4. Pipeline Advancement: This queue involves tasks aimed at moving existing leads through the sales pipeline, focusing on engagement and progression towards closing.

5. Quoting: Tasks here involve the preparation and delivery of quotes to prospective clients, ensuring accuracy and timeliness in the sales process.

6. Paperwork and Closing: This queue handles the final steps in the sales process, including managing all necessary paperwork and ensuring a smooth closing of deals.

By implementing such structured task management systems, businesses can maintain a clear overview of their sales activities, prioritize effectively, and ensure that every lead is given the attention it deserves, ultimately driving sustained growth and success.

Handling staff that are away, overworked or who have left

When staff members are unavailable due to absence, overwhelmed by their workload, or have departed from the organization, it becomes essential for your lead management system to be robust and adaptable.

Such a system should not only maintain the warmth and engagement of these leads but also facilitate a seamless transition, ensuring that these potential opportunities do not slip through the cracks. Ideally, this involves reassigning the leads to other capable team members who are well-equipped to manage and nurture them effectively.

This process requires a structured approach, where the system can automatically alert and delegate leads to suitable team members, ensuring continuity and consistent follow-up. By doing so, the organisation can safeguard against potential revenue loss and maintain a steady pipeline of opportunities, even in the face of staffing challenges.

Ensure you're tracking the right data

Before you embark on tracking your sales data, it is crucial to establish a comprehensive set of metrics that are most relevant to your business objectives. These metrics will serve as the foundation for analyzing your sales performance and identifying areas for improvement. Some essential examples of these metrics include:

1. Average Length of Time to Close a Lead: This metric helps you understand the typical duration it takes for a lead to move through your sales pipeline and convert into a customer. By analyzing this data, you can identify bottlenecks in your process and work on strategies to accelerate the sales cycle, thereby improving efficiency and increasing revenue potential.

2. Lead Conversion Rates: This is a critical measure of your team's ability to turn prospects into paying customers. By tracking conversion rates, you gain insights into the effectiveness of your sales tactics, enabling you to refine your approach, enhance training for sales personnel, and ultimately increase your success rate in closing deals.

3. Typical Number of Leads from Marketing Activities: Monitoring the volume of leads generated from various marketing efforts provides a clear picture of the channels that are most effective in attracting potential customers. This data allows you to allocate resources more strategically, optimizing your marketing spend and focusing efforts on initiatives that yield the highest return on investment.

4. Number of Sales Activates to Close a Lead: This metric helps you understand how much effort your sales team, or system, needs to put in to close sales leads. This could be a combination of calls, meetings, demonstrations, quotes, email nurtures or follow up tasks. Optimising a sales system might mean reducing the number of activities, or the amount of time spent on each activity.

Early Lead Indicator reports

To maximize the efficiency of your sales system, it's crucial to integrate early warning indicators that can alert you to areas in need of refinement at the earliest possible stage. By doing so, you enable your team to proactively address potential issues before they escalate into larger problems.

For instance, monitoring the number of calls that are successfully answered by your leads can serve as a valuable metric. A noticeable decline in this number could indicate that your follow-up strategies require adjustment. In response, a straightforward yet effective action could be to send a personalized SMS to the lead. This message would include the name of the sales representative, their contact number, and the estimated time they will reach out to follow up.

Such a preemptive measure not only enhances communication but also increases the likelihood of a successful engagement, ensuring that potential sales opportunities are not lost due to simple oversights.

By maintaining this level of attentiveness, businesses can ensure their sales processes are consistently optimised for success.

Automation layers (human vs. robotic nurture)

The capabilities of these systems extend even further, offering features such as automated reminders, personalized follow-up sequences, and detailed analytics for performance evaluation. By leveraging such advanced tools, businesses can foster more meaningful engagements with prospects and enhance their overall sales strategy. 

Most sales management systems provide a layer of automation - the key is to find the right balance of personalisation and automation to save your sales team time and to have your sales lead feel like they are not just a number.

An example of this would be to record sporting teams that the lead follows. When sending an automated message, kick off the first part of the message by inserting a paragraph the congratulates a recent win of their team.


In summary

As a business evolves and expands, it becomes imperative for their sales systems to develop and become more sophisticated. This evolution is crucial because, with growth, the volume of leads and the complexity of managing them increases exponentially. Mature sales systems are equipped to handle a myriad of functions, ranging from optimized follow-ups that ensure no opportunity is overlooked, to offering comprehensive methods for sales teams to actively manage, monitor, and re-engage with leads that are currently active or have slipped through the cracks. These systems empower sales teams with tools to maintain a proactive approach, ensuring that every potential lead is nurtured towards conversion, thereby maximizing the chances of successful sales outcomes.

Moreover, a robust reporting mechanism is an integral component of these advanced sales systems. It provides business owners and senior leaders with critical insights into the performance and efficacy of their sales strategies. Through detailed analytics and regular reporting, leaders can gain a clear understanding of how well the sales system is functioning. This information is invaluable as it enables timely adjustments to strategies, ensuring that the sales processes are continually fine-tuned to generate optimal revenue. By leveraging such insightful data, businesses can not only safeguard their bottom line but also position themselves for sustained success in a competitive market landscape.


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