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Bite-sized Branding Episode 42 - The Traditional Media Mix

Written by Bernard Kassab | 18/07/2022 3:33:00 PM

Modern technology has changed how people and businesses do promotions and advertising. A marketing mix is commonly used to maximise presence. In this episode, we want to discuss how you can still use traditional media, PR, Radio and TV ads to promote businesses and services.

Are these conventional media mix still as effective as before? What is their purpose, and how can you use them to your benefit?


What is the purpose of PR

PR is technically an old-world technology and mechanically implemented. It's all about providing content, subject matters, headlines and things that are important to an organisation to that of industries, platforms, and people who have voices to communicate to the audience and readers as to the benefit of that organisation to pay.

What makes PR important is the publicity, the reach and mileage of the readership is where you pay the big bucks. This is why you must ensure the right people are right about you. Authority and credibility - editors are constantly adjudicators as to the right and relevant content, which is different from what the rest is writing. Finding that point of difference is what makes it difficult.

PR marketing is an old method but a traditional method. It is crucial because businesses need people who provide good stories and give meaning and validation. The right people know the right people and the correct stories to write, which has a huge impact.


Where do TV and Radio sit in the mix?

People sit to watch. However, television's change in how people are entertained is no longer that productive for advertisers. Consumers can pay for apps that provide shows and programs that do not have commercials.

It eradicates product promotion since people are very willing to pay for services that eliminate the commercials. A few channels show regular programs, but these are confined to sports or news since these are the only topics everyone wants to invest in.

Radio is the best platform if you want to see a return on investment. Radio is the only medium or platform that can tweak or change its flow according to the trends. People are audible hearing. We hear everything announced on the radio, which influences our decisions.


Is Direct Mail Still Effective?

There is ample space in the mail because no one uses the mailbox. Using lumpy mail gets you past the gatekeeper. However, you have to think of something cognisant that is interesting and relevant to the person you are sending it to. Find something that captures people's attention. Consider something that is not a waste but tangible.

It needs to be done creatively. Do something that ensures recognition. The gatekeepers will open a simple box, but if it has an excellent presentation, something that can stay on the executive's table, that will create an opening for you. The next time you send out another direct mail, they will know it is from you, and it will go directly to the person in charge.

Old is gold, as they say, but it doesn't mean it is something that will be useful at all times. If you want to create great brand recognition, give them something that they can keep, put on their desk or something that they can see so they can remember you. Create a PR or hire a PR team that can make the best topics that will bring you to the top.